Shelly’s family planning program in West Point, Monrovia, completed a training of twenty peer educators from October 21 through October 23. Now that they are trained, these peer educators have divided their neighborhood into sectors and will work in pairs to provide education and condom distribution to adolescents and adults in their sectors.
Delkontee and Pate’s family planning initiative in the King Gray community has already conducted six community meetings about family planning options, completed 37 home visits, and supplied 54 women with family planning medications.
Aaron held a substance abuse prevention course on October 23 for fifteen students at Ganta Methodist High School.
Clinton and Solomon have reported that absences at the Trufiae School due to diarrhea or the common cold have dropped from 6% of the student population missing school days last year, to only 2% this year. They are quick to point out many of this year’s absences took place before they implemented their initiative for clean water and hand hygiene.
Cecelia’s adolescent sexual health class has been held weekly, with about 15 committed students, for over two months now.
Annette has screened dozens of community members in the VOA community for hypertension, and has begun re-screening those whose pressure was high on their first reading.
Sophie had conducted four informational sessions on HIV/AIDS prevention at the two high schools in the VOA community where she both lives and works.